Our Clients

We conduct our business with the utmost confidentiality and transparency, and work to provide innovative, realistic solutions.  Prism listens carefully to each client’s needs and takes the time to learn about our client companies, mission and values so we have full understanding of the challenge and opportunity presented in each project.  This leads Prism to unique solutions that align with your objectives and company culture.

Our Carbon Footprint

From our business free of plastic and paper and minimization of travel, to client plans for food waste reduction and hydroponic gardens, we are thoughtful about our planet in everything we do. We endeavor to make sustainability a part of every client project, whether it’s electronic reporting or operational recommendations such as minimizing food waste or the use of compostable products. We’re in this together!

Hunger Relief

We are passionate about hunger relief and in addition to personal volunteer commitments, Prism pledges to donate 5% of our net profits to help alleviate food insecurity.

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