

Every experience with a hospitality service or venue makes a lasting impression and the sum of those experiences define overall engagement. Today, there are an unprecedented 5 generations of active consumers and professionals we serve, and while there are many common ground components of hospitality, each generation brings unique perspectives and expectations.  Customers in your specific situation bring an even more unique view.  Prism is equipped with the tools to help you define the ways in which you can engage your customer and enhance your unique hospitality journey. 

*Contact us to learn about customized Surveying; Focus Groups; Mystery Shopping; Reward Programs and Program Modification.

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Operational Excellence &
Lean Six Sigma For Services

Revenue maximization and systematic cost control are cornerstones of Operational Excellence.  The Prism team will identify opportunities for increased revenue and optimization of operating costs in the categories of labor, food and controllable costs.  We will present you with realistic strategies and tactics to improve the customer experience and the bottom line.  With a Lean Six Sigma Black Belt on the Prism team, we are well positioned to help you achieve Operational Excellence.

*Contact us for Lean Six Sigma for Services; Operational Excellence; Revenue Maximization, Labor Optimization and Cost Control evaluations and operating plans.                                            


Supplier & Operations Advisory Services

Whether a contracted program requiring an RFP and Supplier Selection, or a Self-Operated program requiring the development of the right team and plan, defining and maintaining clear standards and Service Level Agreements (SLAs) is imperative.  Through our customized electronic assessments, the Prism team will help you evaluate all aspects of your operation and continuously improve outcomes. We have extensive success in all facets of Operations and Supplier Management, and welcome the opportunity to help make/keep your program best in class. 

*Contact us to learn about RFP and Supplier Selection; SLA development; Contract Compliance; Full-service Operational Assessments; Targeted Category Assessments (food safety & sanitation; customer experience; menu/food program; health & wellness and marketing.) and Financial Evaluations.

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Culinary Innovation

A complete Culinary Evaluation and Plan encompasses menu and concept planning, integrating your goals with the latest flavors, trends and method of service or delivery.  Our culinary evaluation also encompasses successful resource allocation with a review/analysis of inventory management and production efficiencies. The H.A.C.C.P. program and records will also be evaluated. 

*Contact us to learn about customized Menu Concepts and Reviews; New Menu Programs; Full Culinary Assessment (front and back of house, inventory management, culinary training as needed)



Whether you are planning a hospitality venue from the ground up or modifying existing services or spaces, Prism Hospitality Group can help you engage the most discerning customers. Today, palates are more sophisticated than ever, sustainability is critical and technology expectations are high.  Allow Prism to help solve as you consider the use of dining/food spaces and programs, and how you can continue to delight your customers and guests.

Prism is engaged in alliances with exceptional design firms, with whom we have successful and collaborative history, so should your reinvention journey include a Master Plan or design components, the experience will be seamless to you.  Prism is your one stop shop towards reinvention!

*Contact us to learn more about Master Planning; Program Modification; Space Modification; Feasibility Studies and Market Studies.

Special Note- The Covid-19 pandemic has forced change on dining and hospitality and as restrictions are lifted, workers return to offices and students to schools, consider a re-evaluation of your food program and space to ensure an efficient return to “the new normal.”